Nanjing Foodchem Science Co.,Ltd

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Side Effects of Tartaric Acid

Tartaric acid is a naturally occurring organic acid which appears as a white crystalline solid at room temperature. Foods such as grapes, apricots, avocados, apples and sunflower seeds have all been known to have high concentrations of tartaric acid. Alternatively, tartaric acid has also been found in tamarinds which are a type of tree indigenous to tropical Africa and other warms parts of the world.


While tartaric acid is commonly found in foods such as grapes and apricots it wasn’t until later that this was discovered. Originally, tartaric acid was commonly extracted from tamarinds in areas including Nigeria and Sudan to be used for its health benefits and as a food ingredient. However, around the 16th century tartaric acid made its way to Mexico by way of foreign colonists from areas like Spain and Portugal. Ever since, the acid has heavily embedded itself into Mexican cuisine appearing in a vast array of dishes. Today, the Mexican culture has become so fond of the acid that it has become one of the world’s premiere producers and consumers of tartaric acid and the tamarinds from which is it extracted.

Side effects

As is the case with many naturally occurring acids, over-consumption of tartaric acid can result in unpleasant side effects. While it’s unlikely that overeating foods that contain tartaric acid will cause such side effects, those supplementing the acid in its crystalline form are at risk. Such side effects of over-consumption include increased thirst, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and gastrointestinal inflammation. Persons looking to lower or cease consumption of tartaric acid will want to steer clear of wine, unripened fruit and any product that contains the ingredient tartrate which is a sweetener derived from tartaric acid.

In conclusion tartaric acid is a double edged blade. While it has found its uses in many different industries including culinary, construction and cosmetics it can be harmful if over consumed. Due to this, it’s been said that those looking to benefit from tartaric acid are better off eating foods that naturally contain the acid as opposed to supplementing with it in its crystalline form.